GLFW_KEY_REPEAT not working?

nobody wrote on Wednesday, December 27, 2006:

hi! great library!
the user’s guide says: “By default, GLFW does not report key repeats when a key is held down.” however, this does not seem to be true… in my app, i want some key presses to be reported always (for camera movement etc), but some should only be reported when the key is pressed, not when it is held down (to toggle lights etc)… how can i do this? calling glfwEnable/glfwDisable with GLFW_KEY_REPEAT didn’t help. thanks in advance!

marcus256 wrote on Thursday, December 28, 2006:

You should probably have a look at the glfwGetKey() function. It will report the state of any individual key at any given time.

nobody wrote on Thursday, December 28, 2006:

that’s what i’m using :slight_smile:

jasper_horn wrote on Sunday, November 11, 2007:

That’s the part where GLFW_KEY_REPEAT works for, it works for the glfwSetKeyCallBack-part, which is what you should use for such one-shot effects.

jasper_horn wrote on Sunday, November 11, 2007:

sorry, I did not see the thread was near-ancient, just saw the question was unanswered