Cannot getting FSAA to work

nobody wrote on Friday, August 31, 2007:

I tried using FSAA by calling

glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_FSAA_SAMPLES,4); (also tried 2,8,16)

before openning glfwWindow but cant get it to work.

I don’t think that driver overrided the FSAA setting since in control panel it set to “Application Control” (I use Geforce 7600gt with the latest driver 162.18)

elmindreda wrote on Saturday, September 01, 2007:

That’s my fault. The implementation of FSAA on Win32 wasn’t done in beta1, despite the release notes claiming it was. I’m sorry about that. Please download the 2.6 final that was just released. It should work as expected.

nobody wrote on Friday, September 14, 2007:

thank for your replied , GLFW is the BEST !!