Window Icon?

mk12360 wrote on Monday, August 02, 2010:

Is there no way to have an icon for the window? I looked through the reference
guide but couldn’t find anything. I would really rather have my own than the
default window icon showing in the task bar (and the upper left window corner
for some themes). I’m using linux (with gnome) by the way.

elmindreda wrote on Monday, August 02, 2010:

There isn’t yet any way to do this on X11.

mk12360 wrote on Monday, August 09, 2010:

How does SFML for example do it then?

uelkfr wrote on Tuesday, December 07, 2010:

Seems you need to create a .desktop file which defines how to launch
application and some other things. This file specification can be found
here. But to be
crossplatform it better use CMake macro to embedd ICO icon in .exe on Windows,
PNG icon with .app on Mac OS X and PNG icon with .desktop on KDE and Gnome. I
don’t know about possibilities of setting/changing icon on runtime, but I
believe to elmindreda.