Mouse wheel on Mac OS X

cameronking wrote on Wednesday, March 28, 2012:

Would it be possible to get a float value returned for the glfwGetMouseWheel
() function?

The scrolling behavior on Mac is different and more subtle. Three or four
rolling-clicks of the mouse wheel are required to move the return value by a
single integer. This behavior on Linux is fine but the Mac seems to use more

Could this be patched? I don’t think it would impact platform compatibility,
would it?

Many thanks,


elmindreda wrote on Wednesday, March 28, 2012:

The 2.x API is frozen and breaking backward compatibility wouldn’t have been
an option anyway.

However, this looks like a good candidate for inclusion into GLFW 3.

elmindreda wrote on Wednesday, March 28, 2012:

Added to GLFW 3.

cameronking wrote on Thursday, April 05, 2012:

Thank you very much!!