GLFW Licensing

milesrl wrote on Monday, December 09, 2013:

Hi All,

I recently figured out what needed to be linked to get GLFW working on Linux and Mac, and I noticed that GLFW uses pthread. I’d like to use it in an open source game engine with a permissive (non-copyleft) license, but pthread is under LGPL. Doesn’t this mean that your static library might as well be licensed under LGPL, since linking it requires linking pthread as well?

If there are any alternatives to statically linking pthread, please let me know. I haven’t been able to get my simple example to compile without doing so.

EDIT: Just realized, I’ve been dynamically linking pthread this whole time: -l chooses shared libraries over static ones.



elmindreda wrote on Tuesday, December 10, 2013:

Always link pthreads and all other system libraries dynamically.