I am Trying to Learn Opengl and Will be using GLFW. But I don’t know how to setup Glfw in dev c++. Please anyone help me. i am a newbie
I don’t know much about “Dev C++” and it looks like cmake doesn’t have a project generator for it, so you likely won’t find much help in using it.
The Visual Studio Community Edition C++ IDE is free and the standard toolchain for Windows. CMake can output Visual Studio project files or you can load them directly using Visual Studio, so you can use it alongside this GLFW cmake starter project.
Hi Noob programmer. I am a beginner too with opengl.
To use glfw in dev c++ you just need to add this on your project (create one as console application).
Then right click on the Project tab on your left side, and add these on Project Options–>Parameters–> Linker tab:
I suppose you have already installed the mingw32 compiler and within the GL folder you should add all the librareis you need. Then copy and paste standard basic tutorial code to create a window.
That’s it.