Few Questions

anonymous wrote on Thursday, April 21, 2011:

Does glfw have a “getVersion” function?

Is there a way to hide border (some apis call it hide window decorations).

Since threads and textures are being removed; anyone have any suggestions on
some libs (with C wrappers) for both ? What sounds apis you guys like, just
use OpenAL directly?

marcus256 wrote on Thursday, April 21, 2011:

Since threads and textures are being removed; anyone have any suggestions on
some libs (with C wrappers) for both ?

For threading, you may be interested in
TinyThread++ (for C++) and TinyCThread
(for C). The latter is only available in a [Subversion repo](http://tinythre
TinyThread++ download | SourceForge.net) right now (no
release), but it works quite well.

For imaging, here’s a tiny library (haven’t tried it myself yet):

elmindreda wrote on Thursday, April 21, 2011:

Use glfwGetVersion.

Undecorated windows are coming in GLFW 3.

I use OpenAL and libpng.

anonymous wrote on Thursday, April 21, 2011:

Thanks; but glfwGetVersion reports the OpenGL version not version of the glfw
api? It keeps coming back as 3.3 rev 0.

elmindreda wrote on Thursday, April 21, 2011:

That’s very strange. Which version of GLFW is this?

anonymous wrote on Thursday, April 21, 2011:

This is the Win32 binary package of GLFW 2.7.

I’m using the MinGW .dll