Does anyone know how to setup the context for the hires retina display of the MacBook Pro?

hudritsch wrote on Sunday, November 03, 2013:

in the old 2.7 version I had no problem with the hires retina display of the macbook pro. In the new 3.0 version my 640 x 400 pixel application starts with the viewport in the lower left corner. As soon as I touch the window bar the viewport spreads to the full window. This happens not clearly reproducable and the viewport drops back some times to the quater window size. I tried both glfwSetWindowSizeCallback and glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback. What kind of events do I have to listen to?
Thanks for any help.

elmindreda wrote on Sunday, November 03, 2013:

You should set the viewport to the framebuffer size (which is in pixels) instead of the window size (which is in screen coordinates). OpenGL works with pixels, not screen coordinates.