More standard cursor shapes in GLFW 3.4?

During a search where I wanted to start creating my own images for diagonal resize arrows and various other standard cursor shapes, I found the following result: GLFW: Standard cursor shapes

The URL mentions 3.4, and the link lists several more (welcomed!) standard cursor shapes. Is this something that will definitely be released in GLFW 3.4? Is there any timeframe for GLFW 3.4?

It looks like the cursor changes appear in the changelog: glfw/glfw: A multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, window and input (

I’m pretty excited for these new cursor shapes! And I’m glad I noticed that they’re, eventually, coming, because that saves me work of creating images for them.

Is this something that will definitely be released in GLFW 3.4?

The code is already available on master if you want to use GLFW from source directly (this is what I do). It will be integrated in the next release.

Is there any timeframe for GLFW 3.4?

No. Releases generally take a long time to arrive. If you are interested in the functionality I would consider using GLFW directly from Github as it is generally very stable.

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Thanks! I hadn’t considered using the source directly, but I’ll maybe try that. I’m trying to develop something cross-platform, but I don’t have access to macOS at the moment, so building macOS binaries would have to wait (although I’m not even using the 3.3 versions anyhow due to the lack of access). But I could just build the Windows and Linux binaries from source.