Licence for using GLFW3 logo

Hi there,
I am putting together a science paper and want to acknowledge the use of GLFW3 in my software. In one of the figures in the paper, I have used the GLFW3 logo found on the main website (screenshotted below). Ive been asked by the journal editor, what is the license for using this image. Do you know if it is covered by the main zlib/libpng license mentioned on the homepage? Thanks!

Hi @kcleal,

That’s not an image and it’s not the GLFW3 logo, it’s just the text GLFW rendered in HTML in the header along with an arrow image. The source for the header is on our Github repo as below:

The arrow.png is from GitHub - glfw/ Jekyll sources for GLFW website which is also under a zlib/libpng license.

The font used for GLFW is Roboto, license Roboto - Google Fonts

FYI the icon normally used with GLFW is the Teacup icon, which I believe is the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Public Domain License

Great thanks, Doug ! I will use thew teacup picture instead.