Installing with XCode 4.6.3

mchung123 wrote on Saturday, July 06, 2013:

/opt/local/bin/cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=Debug -P cmake_install.cmake

– Install configuration: “Debug”

– Installing: /usr/local/include/GLFW

CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:31 (FILE):

file INSTALL cannot make directory “/usr/local/include/GLFW”: Permission


make: *** [install_buildpart_0] Error 1

Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 2

I am getting a permissioned denied problem does anyone know how to bypass this so I can install the libraries?

elmindreda wrote on Sunday, July 07, 2013:


What if I don’t have cmake_install.cmake in our primary directory?

If cmake_install.cmake isn’t in the directory you’re running cmake from you should just substitute the correct path to the file (including the filename).