I have a question about fps

Hi Breeze,

Welcome to the GLFW forums!

What you describe sounds like correct behaviour.

With glfwSwapInterval(1) the application should run at <= refresh rate.
With glfwSwapInterval(0) the application can run at any rate,and should run faster than with glfwSwapInterval(1).

I do not know why FRAPS would change the frame rate.

We have seen some issues with OpenGL on Intel hardware, see:


We believe these are Intel driver related, so if you are experiencing a similar issue please try updating your drivers first.

If you struggle with English it might help to write the post in your own language and also in English - there’s a chance someone might be able to read it (I can read French and basic Dutch and German), and Google translate from your language may also help us in addition to your own English (which is very good).

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