GLFW Xcode getting started

euskad wrote on Friday, September 04, 2015:

OS: OSX Yosemite
**IDE:**Xcode 6.4
GLFW verison: 3.3.1

New to GLFW, need help getting started. This is what I have done so far:

1. Build the binaries. Within the glfw-3.3.1 folder, called:
cmake .

2. Installed the binaries by calling:
sudo make install

3. In Xcode, added the following libraries under “link with binary libraries”:

*   libglfw3.a
*   Cocoa.framework
*   IOKit.framework
*   OpenGL.framework

4. Added the followind search paths to my project:

  • Header Search Path: /usr/local/include
  • Library Search Path: /usr/local/lib

5.Finally, I tried to compile the following code:

However, it did not compile and gave me the following errors:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

dougbinks wrote on Saturday, September 05, 2015:

None of those images work for me - perhaps you could try copy-pasting the
text error as text?

On 4 September 2015 at 22:51, iker bilbatua wrote:

OS: OSX Yosemite
*IDE:*Xcode 6.4
GLFW verison: 3.3.1

New to GLFW, need help getting started. This is how I tried to do it:

First, I generated the binaries using cmake’s gui
Then, attempted to install them using xcode but got the following error

GLFW Xcode getting started

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