Custom sizing after content scale change


I want my app to scale in a specific way and I would like to ask for an advice whether this is possible with GLFW and how I could achieve this.


  • framebuffer maps 1:1 to screen pixels at all times
  • the window is resizable
  • framebuffer size should double when moving from monitor with scale < 2 to scale >= 2
  • framebuffer size should become half when moving from monitor with scale >= 2 to scale < 2
  • framebuffer size should not change when both monitors have content scale < 2 or both >= 2


  • I want to open a window with framebuffer size 300x200 @ 1x.
  • The window opens on a monitor with scale 2.0 and the framebuffer is 600x400.
  • I move the window to a monitor with scale 1.75 and the framebuffer resizes to 300x200.
  • I move the window to a monitor with scale 1.25, framebuffer stays 300x200.
  • I resize the window using the mouse, the new framebuffer size is 350x250.
  • I move the window back to the monitor with scale 2.0 and the framebuffer changes to 700x500.

I am not sure how to do this, because on some platforms the framebuffer size callback comes before the content scale callback, and I can’t tell whether the framebuffer size callback was triggered by the user resizing the window, or by monitor change.

Thanks for any advice and ideas,

Have you tried calling glfwGetMonitorContentScale (available on Github/master branch) to get the scale of the monitor the window is on after a move / resize / scale callback?

To determine which monitor the window is on you can use the monitor virtual coordinates and window position (although it may be overlapping multiple monitors).